A Complete 101 About Concussion Therapy 


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Concussions are usually harmless. It is, however, recommended to seek treatment as soon as you notice the symptoms to prevent the condition from worsening. Concussion therapy is one of the most effective ways to manage the condition. Physiotherapists may use a combination of therapies depending on your symptoms to bring you quick relief. This blog clears the air about concussion therapy so you know what to expect at the clinic. 

Six Types of Treatments in Concussion Therapy

No two concussions are the same. The physiotherapist assesses your musculoskeletal, sensory and oculomotor system to determine the right therapies you need to recover. The common types of concussion therapies are: 

Physical therapy 

Physical therapy is a suitable treatment option for concussion if the symptoms persist after 10-14 days in adults. The method consists of specific exercises that address the damaged muscles. The therapists focus on strengthening your balance and movement so you can return to your normal functioning life efficiently. 

The concussion care plan consists of exercise therapy, vestibular therapy, manual therapy and nutritional changes. Physical therapists guide you through appropriate techniques that help manage symptoms, reduce pain and promote healing. 

Vestibular therapy 

A concussion is often associated with balance issues. Traumatic car accidents can affect the region of the brain that governs balance and the inner ear which helps the head balance itself in space. Thus, vestibular therapy focuses on improving your balance and vision. 

The therapists recommend techniques to reset your inner ear crystals and help the brain rewire. They improve the relationship between the nerves, muscles, eyes, inner ear and brain. Once the neural pathways are restored, the brain can again connect with the rest of the body and vestibular system, restoring optimal health. 

Speech therapy 

The combination of speech therapy and occupational therapy improves your memory, thinking, reasoning, attention and executive functioning. The therapists may ask you to sort out cards, recall a fruit for every alphabet and solve logic puzzles. These exercises address symptoms like difficulty in concentrating, short-term memory loss and more. The physical therapist lets you know if you need speech therapy or not. 

Occupational therapy 

Occupational therapists focus on reducing the severity of symptoms and helping you live your life healthily. They guide you through specific multisensory exercises that work on different regions of the brain at once. 

The main goal of this therapy is to help you get back to your normal life after suffering from a concussion. It has the perfect blend of all the other therapies to provide you with the comfort you need. 

Vision therapy 

It is common to have vision problems due to concussions. That is when vision therapy comes into play. Though it is a vision issue, the problem is in the connection between your brain and eyes. So, the therapist may recommend exercises that address the region of the brain responsible for vision. 

Massage therapy 

Physiotherapists may include massage therapy as a part of the concussion care program to relieve the tension in your neck from the injury. It helps you relax and recover from the condition more efficiently. The therapists may also use this therapy to prepare your body for further physical and cognitive exercises. 

Wrapping Up,

A concussion is treatable and there’s nothing to panic if you are suffering from it. The above-mentioned concussion therapies can help you recover from the condition without complications. The physical therapist assesses your condition and prepares a treatment plan accordingly.