How does rotator cuff physiotherapy in Brampton recover shoulder tendinopathy?


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Rotator cuff is the group of muscles and tendons that holds the ball head of the upper arm bone in the shoulder socket. It enables you to rotate the arm. Tendinopathy is the painful condition occurring around the tendons due to overuse, injury, etc. Hence, in the case of rotator cuff tendinopathy, you have to take therapeutic treatment to relieve pain and heal. Besides mainstream treatment, rotator cuff physiotherapy in Brampton has successfully recovered many patients by reinstating the shoulder mechanics and endowing them with a painless blissful life. Do you have pain in your rotator cuff? Read on this blog to know more.


The procedure of rotator cuff physiotherapy in Brampton

The physiotherapy program comprises healing, strengthening, and enhancing flexibility to prevent further injury. Physiotherapy First is one of the leading clinics helping patients with rotator cuff physiotherapy in Brampton. They use medically approved procedures for rotator cuff tendinopathy, which are as follows:

  • Manual therapy

By hand-on massage, a physiotherapist gently enables joint movement, stretches the shoulder, and massages the soft –tissue depending on the degree of injury.

  • Electrical wave therapy

Electrical stimulation is applied to the shoulder cuff to heal the injury and relaxes stiffness and pain.

  • Hot & Cold therapy –

Hot compression is given in the area of injury to enhance blood flow. Cold compression reduces blood flow and swelling. This process has a high therapeutic effect to heal and recover pain.

  • Strengthening exercises

Some specific exercise challenges the weaker muscles and tendons; gradually, making them strong to recover early and prevent further injury.

Reasons behind rotator cuff tendinopathy are osteoarthritis, heavy weight lifting, slip disc, dislocated shoulder, collar bone separation, fracture, etc.

When should you take rotator cuff physiotherapy in Brampton?

On discerning the following symptoms you should consult Physiotherapy First clinic for rotator cuff physiotherapy in Brampton:

  • Difficulty in movement of the arm.
  • Frozen shoulder.
  • Sweeping in the shoulder area.
  • Weakness in the arm.

Home-based exercises to recover rotator cuff tendinopathy

One of the most important verticals of physiotherapy is to educate the patient on a healthy body, exercises, and postural problems. Therefore, Physiotherapy First advice following exercises to the patient:

  • Doorway stretch.
  • Side-lying external rotation.
  • High-low rows.
  • Reverse fly.
  • Lawnmower pull.

These exercises strengthen the shoulder cuff muscles, tendons, and connective tissues with optimum blood circulation.

Physiotherapy First aims to enhance your immune system and body mechanism to heal itself and prevent diseases. To explore the underlined principle of a healthy body and recover rotator cuff physiotherapy in Brampton, connect with us today.