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Tendonitis Therapy And Treatment

Tendonitis Therapy And Treatment

Have you ever heard anyone complain of pain and tenderness around the joints? There are high chances they were suffering from Tendonitis. Any inflammation or irritation that affects a tendon is known as Tendonitis. For those who don’t know, a tendon is a thick fibrous structure that appears cord-like. These structures are responsible for the attachment between a bone and a muscle.

One question around this topic is whether these inflammations can occur to any tendon in the body. The general answer to this question is, yes, they can. However, the tendons mostly affected by Tendonitis are the ones around the shoulders, wrists, elbows, legs, and knees. These common problems have led to the condition being termed as Tennis elbow, Pitcher’s shoulder, Swimmer’s shoulder, and Jumper’s knees.

Most are the times when this condition vanishes by itself after a series of painful periods. You can treat the minute cases with ample rest, simple therapy sessions, and even pain reduction medications. However, if the pain still persists, it would be advisable to seek medical assistance from your therapist.

Relieve Chronic Conditions.
Restore an Active Lifestyle.


Signs And Symptoms Of Tendonitis

You might overlook Tendonitis during its early stages. However, once it has developed further, the signs and symptoms will start being felt. Most are the times when these symptoms occur at the point where the bone and the tendon attach. Some of the common symptoms include

  • Dull aches and pains on the joints. These are mostly felt when you move the hand or leg with the problem.
  • Tenderness around the joint such as the knee or wrist
  • (For Tendonitis, the swelling is just mild)

It is important to note that most cases of Tendonitis are not that serious. With self-care measures, you will be able to manage the pain. It won’t even take you more than a day. However, there are times when this condition becomes chronic. For example, the pain (and other symptoms) might prolong to the point of disrupting your normal activities. When it reaches such a point, you are advised to seek medical help as soon as possible.




When To Give Us A Call

When you land in any of the following categories, contact us immediately:

  • Pain that does not improve with rest or pain medications after a few weeks.
  • Walking or moving is difficult due to pain.
  • Swelling, inflammation, or stiffness in the joints


Exercise Therapy

Tendonitis Therapy

Before getting to the therapy part of it, it is essential to note that some risk factors are involved in the development of the disease. One of them is the age. It has been reported that as people age, the tendons tend to become less flexible, making injuring them easy. Additionally, the profession of a person plays a part in the development of the problem too. For example, if your job involves repetitive movements, awkward positions, exertion, and forceful reaching, you are at risk of developing Tendonitis.

A therapist can diagnose Tendonitis through a physical exam. However, they might request X-rays and other imaging tests to ascertain the condition is present. Once it is confirmed, the therapist will tailor a treatment plan aimed at reducing inflammation, tenderness, and pain. It is also possible for you to handle it on your own, primarily through the use of over-the-counter medicine and ice.

One of the most common medications offered buy doctors are pain relievers. Medication such as aspirin, naproxen, ibuprofen, and many others can effectively eliminate the pain and discomfort. Creams and anti-inflammatory medicines can come in handy too!

Corticosteroids can also be used to treat Tendonitis. The doctor might choose to inject medication near the affected area as a means of reducing the inflammation. This will reduce the tenderness and relieve the pain gradually.

Another available treatment is the PRP (Platelet-rich Plasma) method. This involves taking your blood sample and separating the platelets and other curative agents in it. This can then be injected around the affected area to treat it. The method is still under research, but there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Massage, physical therapy, and ultrasound therapy can all help to break up soft tissue adhesions. These therapies may help to lessen inflammation and pain. And we have the best at our Brampton facility to help you with all these.

It is possible to reduce your chances of getting this problem. Some suggestions include

  • Easing up. Do not engage in activities that exert excessive pressure on the body and tendons. Therefore, if you engage in any activity and realize that it causes pain, it would be best to stop it.
  • Establish a pain-free routine. Please do not engage in any exercises that cause pain to you, no matter how important you deem them to be.
  • Regular stretching. After every exercise (or heavily involving job), ensure that you stretch to maximize your joints’ motion range.
  • Adopt workplace ergonomics. If possible, you can ergonomically assess your work desk, chair, and space to ensure that they are of the recommended measurements. This includes the armrests, keyboard and computer positions, and the distance when you reach for things.

Why Physiotherapy First Is Your Best Choice

Nonsurgical therapies for tendonitis pain frequently improves the condition with time, and we can figure out what’s causing it. We can also demonstrate stretching exercises and, if necessary, propose braces and other treatments. The longer you have joint pain caused by tendonitis, the more difficult it is to cure successfully, so it’s critical to have it checked.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us or come to our Brampton location.