MON-THURS : 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM

FRI-SAT : 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

SAT-SUN : 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Vestibular Physiotherapy Treatment In Brampton

Vestibular Physiotherapy Treatment In Brampton

Physiotherapy First is pleased to offer vestibular physiotherapy treatments and services in Brampton. This form of physiotherapy focuses on addressing issues related to balance coordination conditions, including vertigo and dizziness that are caused by issues with the vestibular system.

At Physiotherapy First, we provide an exceptional level of treatment and care for people who suffer from vestibular problems. We carefully assess each of our patients to develop an effective treatment plan customized to their specific needs, goals, and objectives.

Relieve Chronic Conditions.
Restore an Active Lifestyle.


What Is The Vestibular System?

The vestibular system is located in our ears and is often referred to as the inner ear. It is what helps us compensate for movements when we change position, such as from sitting to standing, and vice versus. It also helps us maintain our balance and focus when we walk, move our head, or ride in a vehicle.

What Is Involved In Vestibular Physiotherapy Treatment?

Vestibular physiotherapy treatments consist of several visits to help identify the underlying causes of your vestibular problems. Our physiotherapists work with you to develop an effective treatment plan that does more than just treat your symptoms. Our hope is with the right treatment plan, we can help alleviate the causes of the condition.

During your first visit, this is our opportunity to conduct a thorough assessment of your vestibular problem. We want you to provide us with details of your symptoms, things that seem to trigger your condition, things that help make it better, and so on. We will review your medical history and other such information as well.

We will also conduct some neurological testing. The tests are not difficult and can be as easy as moving your arms or legs, looking in one direction, or turning your head in different directions. We conduct these tests because many types of vestibular problems have a direct link with your nervous system.


What Happens Next?

Once your initial assessment is complete, we will help you better understand your problem, the cause for the condition, and develop a formal diagnosis and treatment plan. Treatments can often begin during your initial visit or scheduled for a follow-up visit.

Treatments for vestibular conditions will involve similar approaches just like other physiotherapy treatments. Your treatment plan could include:

  • Exercises – There can be specific exercises you will be taught so you can perform them at home in-between visits. These exercises can help stabilize your condition, so it occurs less frequently or in some cases, goes away completely.
  • Education – At Physiotherapy First, we believe that educating our patients is a vital part of their treatment plan. When you can better understand your condition, the causes, and how it can be treated, we find physiotherapy treatments are more successful.
  • Modifications to Daily Routines – For some of our patients, we may recommend making certain changes to daily routines, such as avoid doing things that trigger your vestibular condition.
  • Manual Manipulation Techniques – These techniques are designed to help stimulate the inner ear and help strengthen it for better response and fewer vestibular issues.

Why Should I Consider Vestibular Physiotherapy Treatments And Services To Other Options?

Vestibular physiotherapy treatments and services provide a non-invasive, non-surgical, and natural method for treating your condition. For some patients, we can help them resolve their vestibular conditions naturally.


Should I Continue Vestibular Physiotherapy Treatments And Services?

Some of our patients receive ongoing vestibular physiotherapy treatments and services after their initial complaint has been addressed. Ongoing treatments and services can help prevent the vestibular condition from reoccurring and returning, as well as reduce the frequency of occurrences.

Why Should I Choose Physiotherapy First For Vestibular Physiotherapy Treatments?

At Physiotherapy First, our physiotherapists have successfully completed the courses and training to be certified as vestibular physiotherapists. While most physiotherapists can treat vestibular conditions, not all are certified with this higher level of education and training our physiotherapists have obtained.

Additionally, our physiotherapists receive ongoing training, education, and recertification in vestibular physiotherapy to provide our patients with the highest level of care and treatment of vestibular system conditions and problems.

To learn more about vestibular physiotherapy treatments and services in Brampton, or to schedule an initial consultation with one of our physiotherapists, please feel free to contact Physiotherapy First at 905-796-6662 today! We would be happy to discuss your health benefits plan coverage, answer any questions you may have, and help you feel better.