TMJ Dysfunction Therapy And Treatment
Is it challenging for you to chew or yawn? Do you suffer from jaw pains? Listen for clicking sounds as you open or shut your mouth. TMJ issues could be the cause.
When the jaw region and surrounding muscles are inflamed, the condition is termed Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJD).
The jaw and skull are connected by the temporomandibular joint, which is a hinge joint. TMJ dysfunction can arise if this joint is injured or harmed in any way.
Pain on one or both sides of the jaw might be caused by the temporomandibular joint, an intricate and vital mechanism made of bones, tendons, and muscles.
If you have all TMJ symptoms, it’s time to call us and reach out for help with physiotherapy and chiropractic care.
In Brampton, Physiotherapy First is devoted to delivering high-quality evaluation and physiotherapy for all types of injuries, pain, and functional dysfunction. Everyone who is suffering limits or wants to enhance their functioning can benefit from our diagnosis and care.