MON-THURS : 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM

FRI-SAT : 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

SAT-SUN : 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Category : Acupuncture Treatment

Can Foot Problems Cause Back Pain?

Yes, foot problems such as flat feet, high arches or overpronation can cause or contribute to lower back pain. Feet bear the entire weight of our bodies while absorbing the shock that we place on our bodies every day. So, when the foot’s functionality is affected, it can cause pain and discomfort...

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What are the Benefits of Combining Physiotherapy with Other Treatments?

If you have ever visited a physiotherapy clinic near Brampton, chances are you have heard or seen the term ‘multidisciplinary approach’. Yes, most clinics out there adopt this particular approach to treat a wide range of ailments. A multidisciplinary approach means combining physiotherapy with o...

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How Does Acupuncture Boost Your Immune System?

Did you know an acupuncture session a month can keep diseases at bay? This traditional Chinese medicine works by keeping the energy within our body in perfect balance. A well-balanced energy system keeps us healthy and fit, both physically and mentally. Research also suggests that acupuncture ca...

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What is Dry Needling Therapy?

“Is dry needling therapy the same as acupuncture?” This has been a constant query at various physiotherapy clinics in Brampton. They may use the same needles but are totally different treatments. Acupuncture is based on traditional Eastern Chinese medicine. Dry needling is all about Western medi...

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Impact of Acupuncture on Mental Health

Did you know you can visit an acupuncture clinic in Brampton to treat depression or anxiety? Yes, acupuncture serves as a safe alternative to opioids for treating mental health issues. The procedure works by regulating the neurotransmitters already present in your body. Hence, it is natural and ...

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Most Popular Types of Acupuncture Treatments

People are becoming more aware of what acupuncture is and its impact on health. It’s an integral part of Eastern Chinese medicine. But, acupuncture techniques and styles have evolved with time and scientific innovations. The basic method involves the insertion of thin and solid filament needles ...

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How Often Should You Schedule Acupuncture Treatments?

Acupuncture brings relief from a wide range of conditions such as headaches, neck pain, lower back pain, and more. However, you need the right number of sessions to leverage the benefits of this healthcare practice. Some may heal within 2 treatments while others may take 5 sessions for similar p...

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What are Acupuncture Points?

Acupuncture points are the main trigger points for specific organs. These are present along the 14 meridians or channels that are believed to carry energy throughout the body. Acupuncture is the part of traditional Chinese medicine. The concept behind it is that the consistent flow of energy alo...

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What is Acupuncture Treatment?

Acupuncture is the insertion of fine, thin filament needles into the skin to trigger the naturalhealing process of the body. It is based on traditional Chinese medicine, according towhich the human body consists of over 2000 acupuncture points. These points areconnected by meridians which create...

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Is Acupuncture Treatment Right For You?

Are you one of those who flinch even at the thought of needles inserting your skin? Well,acupuncture changes this whole scary perspective of needle penetration into the skin. Theprocedure involves thin hair-like needles and releases tension from affected muscles andsoft tissues. It reduces your ...

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