Most Popular Types of Acupuncture Treatments

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People are becoming more aware of what acupuncture is and its impact on health. It’s an integral part of Eastern Chinese medicine. But, acupuncture techniques and styles have evolved with time and scientific innovations. The basic method involves the insertion of thin and solid filament needles into the skin, which triggers the natural healing process of your body. If you are planning to get acupuncture, you should know the various techniques involved. So, this blog explores the most popular types of acupuncture treatments available in Brampton clinics. 

What are the Different Types of Acupuncture Treatments?

All forms of acupuncture are based on traditional Chinese medicine. You can find about 12 types of acupuncture styles all around the world. The treatment modalities may differ but they are all acupuncture. That means you cannot escape needles. The acupuncturist may target different areas of your body but the procedure remains the same. So, let’s dig a little deeper into the most popular types of acupuncture treatments. 

Traditional Chinese Acupuncture 

You can consider this as the authentic acupuncture style. The acupuncturist inserts the needles in the right meridian points to reduce your stress and help you manage your health. It uses ancient Chinese medical practices such as examining the tongue before prescribing a treatment plan. The needles are usually finer than what is used in other types of acupuncture treatments. 

Practitioners in this field may follow different types of theories. Stems and Branches of acupuncture, for instance, are based on the astrological movements of Earth and heaven. Other examples include Dr Tan and Five Element acupuncture. The style targets all internal and external factors in your body from all meridian points. It helps relieve conditions like depression, insomnia, back pain and migraines. 

Electric stimulation and Microcurrent 

The style involves the two needle points, small clips and acupuncture needles. The acupuncturist inserts the needles into the right areas and sends an electric current between the points through the clips. The practice is said to improve blood supply to the target areas and restore overall well-being. The improved circulation also reduces pain. It is the most effective to treat paralyzed muscles or nerves. 

Electro-acupuncture strengthens the damaged muscle strength and tone. The procedure is painless. It promotes the generation of collagen, strengthening of fascial muscles and stimulation of deeper muscles. Some clinics in Brampton use electro-acupuncture to tighten facial muscles and stimulate deeper muscles. 

Dry Needling 

Non-acupuncturists are eligible to perform this non-invasive procedure, which also falls under acupuncture. The healthcare professionals insert the needles into trigger points present within your muscles. These points are muscle knots that cause pain, immobility and discomfort. So, once the needles penetrate these points, the tension starts relieving and the pain reduces considerably. You also restore optimal movement after a few sessions. 

The technique is best suited for a wide range of musculoskeletal issues like sciatica, back pain and neck pain. The procedure is painless. However, you may feel a slight twitch in the muscles as the needle penetrates the skin. 

Japanese Acupuncture 

It is a gentler version of acupuncture. If this is your first time getting the treatment, you can opt for the Japanese acupuncture. It restores your overall well-being instead of treating a specific health condition. The acupuncturists use fewer needles and the approach is gentler than the other methods. An insertion tube reduces the discomfort that is often caused due to deeper needle pricks. Children and teenagers are often recommended to get the treatment. 

The effects are slow in this case. You can notice the positive changes in your health after a few sessions. Healing is a process and that’s exactly what happens here. The procedure triggers the natural healing ability of your body with time. 

Wrapping Up, 

Each acupuncture technique caters to a specific purpose. Electro-acupuncture, for instance, helps fix paralyzed facial muscles. Dry needling, on the other hand, helps treat a wide slew of musculoskeletal conditions. You should share your health concerns with the acupuncturist so they can recommend the best technique for you. Physiotherapy First, a multidisciplinary Brampton clinic offers acupuncture services. So, you can connect with the team if you are in the city.