What is Geriatric Physiotherapy ?

Benefits of Physiotherapy

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Geriatric physiotherapy is a physical therapy that deals with the issues concerning elderly people.

It is used in various Geriatric conditions like low body mass, dizziness, hearing or vision impairment.

Geriatric physical therapy considers the age of older people because they tend to become less active, lose muscle strength, decrease coordination, and have a lesser tolerance for physical effort.

Geriatric physical therapy differs from conventional physical therapy types. It focuses on improving speed and stamina in older persons, preventing deconditioning, decreasing the accidental risk and related injuries, and decreasing the accidental risk and related injuries.

Many problems gradually arise as patients become older, some of these are Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, hip and joint issues etc. Physical therapists that specialize in treating such illnesses and ailments are geriatric Physical therapists. They are specialized in treating such illnesses and ailments with the best methods.

Physiotherapists serve a critical role in allowing older persons to fully restore their movement.

Exercises of Geriatric Physiotherapy

Based on the health condition of an individual, physical therapists might recommend exercise. Several exercises can enhance flexibility, endurance, and strength, and improve movements. Various exercises within this physiotherapy are:

  • Stretching of the lower back, hip flexors and like can promote good alignment as well as mobility of joints for the prevention of stiff muscle.
  • Endurance training can help to keep the lungs and heart healthy. It also improves blood circulation with the help of cardiovascular equipment.
  • A balanced and regular exercise routine helps to maintain their various stabilities during walking, standing, changing direction and so on. Some of these balance exercises are marching, weight shifting, tandem walking and so on.
  • Lower body exercises can maintain body strength. So, if you have an improved physical condition, you can try some of these exercises like step-ups, sit-to-stands, leg lifts and so on.

Bodyweight exercises within geriatric physical therapy can improve mobility of the body though it depends on physical ability as well.

Therefore, one should remember that various strenuous exercises like heavy lifting have a high impact. This type of exercise can bring an injury to older adults, and they should not try to do these. Moreover, do the exercises slowly with proper control and balance. Also, use light resistance. The use of light resistance can encourage the appropriate movement of joints.

How Geriatric Physiotherapy Helps Older Adults?

Our bodies change with time. In other words, it gets weaker, especially after 65. From our muscle strength to bone density, older people are always at a higher risk of suffering from a wide range of conditions. 

Geriatric physiotherapy focuses on maintaining seniors’ strength and ability to function. The physiotherapists use techniques like exercises, movement training, posture training and others to help seniors live an independent lifestyle. The experts keep you active, prevent the recurrence of severe age-related conditions, reduce the risk of falls and help maintain physical independence. 

The geriatric physiotherapists evaluate your symptoms or injuries. They gather information about your lifestyle, existing health condition and past medical history. Then they may conduct specific physical tests to determine the exact area of concern. Finally, the physiotherapists customize a treatment regime to help seniors live life without pain and move around freely. 

What are the Benefits of Geriatric Physical Therapy?

Old age is inevitable. Geriatric physical therapy, however, makes the process 10X smoother for you. It takes care of all those musculoskeletal conditions that cause pain and discomfort in old age. Let’s check out the main benefits of geriatric physical therapy. 

Helps manage chronic conditions

About 80% of older adults suffer from arthritis and osteoporosis. Both conditions cause immense pain and mobility issues. Geriatric physiotherapy helps relieve these conditions and restores your optimal functional ability. It strengthens the muscles around the joints, reduces pain and improves range of motion. 

Reduces the need for pain meds

Pain medications have side effects no matter what your age is. Physiotherapy keeps people fit and healthy without relying on pain meds. It stimulates the natural healing abilities of the body and hence is one of the most effective natural treatments for age-related disorders. Joint pain, for instance, is a common problem among older adults. Physical therapists help relieve the pain and restore optimal mobility using specific exercises, massage therapy and stretches. 

Reduces risks of falls

Older adults also suffer from balance problems, which can make them fall unexpectedly and get hurt. Physiotherapy fixes balance problems, strengthens muscles and treats dizziness. The physiotherapists detect the cause of the problem and design an individualized treatment to prevent your risk of falling due to balance issues.

Maintains an independent lifestyle

With age, even the simplest activities in life become increasingly difficult. That’s due to weak muscles, lack of flexibility or joint pain. Geriatric physiotherapy helps you stay active and physically independent. It equips you with the optimal strength, flexibility and mobility required to perform the basic activities with ease.

Wrapping Up,

All in all, geriatric physiotherapy helps older people get back on track and do daily activities painlessly. It relieves age-related chronic conditions, regains muscle strength, and improves balance and level of functioning. The physiotherapists also recommend a slew of exercises that help seniors maintain an independent lifestyle. 

Know more about it, and get standard guidance from Physiotherapy First today!

Physiotherapy First deals with a range of services, experience a range of services with us. Visit our website at  https://physiotherapyfirst.ca/ for more details.

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