What to Expect After Concussion Treatments at Physiotherapy Clinics?


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Concussions are usually not harmful. The symptoms may go away quickly if you get the right treatment in the beginning. Most people prefer physiotherapy for concussion since it is considered one of the safest and most effective treatments. The physiotherapists not only help you treat the concussion symptoms but also prevent the same from returning. Let’s guide you through the various stages of concussion recovery at physiotherapy clinics so you know how it works.

What are the Various Concussion Treatment Stages?

Concussions occur when your brain receives a traumatic blow and twists inside the skull. It causes confusion, memory loss, blurred vision, headache, nausea and sensitivity to light and sound. 

The physiotherapist gathers essential details to understand the symptoms you have been experiencing. The symptoms vary from person to person depending on the severity of the injury. The professional assesses the symptoms to figure out the damage and the appropriate method to manage it. 

At physiotherapy clinics, concussion recovery has six distinct stages, such as: 

Reducing strenuous activities

This stage entails as much rest as possible. The physical therapist is most likely to ask you to minimize strenuous activities and get rest. Screen time can also trigger the symptoms and interfere with the healing process. So, the therapist may ask you to cut down on that as well. They monitor your symptoms once the initial resting phase is over and adjust the rest of the treatment plan accordingly. 

Managing symptoms

The therapist focuses on managing your symptoms through techniques such as neck or shoulder adjustments. This relieves strain on joints and muscles and also improves your overall range of motion, which is often hindered due to concussion. 

Physical therapy strengthens muscles. Consistent sessions also improve mobility, memory, balance and coordination. 

Gradual return to subtle activities

By this stage of the treatment, the symptoms start subsiding, making you feel better. The physiotherapist may ask you to return to subtle low-impact physical exercises and activities. This, however, entirely depends on how you respond to the treatments. The therapist can also advise you to stay in rest mode at this stage if the symptoms haven’t changed. 

Active physical rehabilitation

You need to perform specific cognitive exercises and physical exercises to improve balance and re-condition the brain. The rehabilitation exercises boost the recovery progress and prevent the symptoms from recurring. Besides physical exercises, the therapists may also recommend massage therapy and acupuncture to help you relax and get good sleep. Sleep is especially important if you experience emotional changes due to the injury. 

Dealing with emotional changes

Though not many people talk about it, emotional changes are common in patients with concussions. The most common symptoms are anxiety, irritability and depression. After all, concussion recovery can be hectic and time-consuming. Counselling can help you process your emotions and overcome the tough time successfully. 

Adjusting to daily life

The recovery stage is at its end. You learn to adjust to daily life after the long concussion treatment. Physical exercises and therapies help you manage the symptoms and regain the strength required to live a healthy life. 

You don’t have to get through the stages all on your own. Physiotherapists provide support, guidance and advice on how you can recover completely. All you have to do is maintain clear communication with the therapist so they can prepare the best treatment for you. 

Should You Choose Physiotherapy for Concussion?

Yes, physiotherapy is a safe and effective concussion therapy. It uses manual manipulations and other natural techniques to help you recover from the condition efficiently. The physiotherapists also guide you through post-concussion treatments to provide you with long-term recovery. 

If you are in Brampton and looking for concussion treatment, Physiotherapy First is the place to be. We help you become comfortable and support you throughout the recovery process. Our team also helps people get over post-concussion syndromes. Book an appointment for yourself or your loved ones!