Five Easiest Physiotherapy Exercises You Can Do At Home

Exercise Prescriptions

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Everyone wants to stay fit. But, it isn’t always easy to eat right, attend daily physiotherapy sessions or go to the gym every day amidst a hectic schedule. Is it? Thus, physiotherapists have brought forth a series of easy exercises that one can do right at home and maintain overall good health. Remember, you shouldn’t practice these physiotherapy exercises without consulting with an expert est you may get hurt yourself. 

Which Physical Therapy Exercises You Can Do At Home?

You don’t need to be an athlete or injured to opt for physical exercises. Anyone willing to keep themselves fit with age can resort to physiotherapy and won’t be disappointed. Research says so as well. 

The physiotherapy exercises focus on improving your strength, flexibility, range of motion, balance, cardiovascular function, and functional mobility. So, let’s check out the top five exercises that you can do at home according to top physiotherapists. 

Neck circles

How to do? 

  • Stand straight and look forward. 
  • Relax your arms and keep a hip-width between your feet. 
  • Tilt your head to the right side gently till you feel a slight stretch. 
  • Roll your head forward and complete the circle. 
  • Roll your head back till your chin points to the ceiling. 
  • Repeat in the opposite direction five times on each side. 

How does it help? 

You must have suffered from text neck pain if you spend the majority of your time working on computers or smartphones. Neck circles ease the repetitive stress your lifestyle may cause on the neck muscles. It stimulates blood flow and reduces muscle tension. 

Lower back stretch

How to do? 

  • Sit straight with knees far apart. 
  • Lean forward using your upper body till you find a comfortable position for your lower back. 
  • Hold the position for five seconds. 
  • Resume your starting position and repeat it five times. 

How does it help? 

From desk job workers to senior citizens, everyone complains of back pain at some point in life. This simple exercise prevents stiffness and tightness of back muscles. It helps you stretch your lower back muscles and maintain optimum flexibility. 


How to do?

  • Stand straight with both feet slightly apart. 
  • Now bend your knees and waist such that the quads are parallel to the ground. 
  • Hold the position without bending your back. 
  • Stand straight again. 
  • Repeat 10 times. 

How does it help? 

Physiotherapists often recommend squats as a part of the daily workout regime since it not only strengthens your core but also prevent injuries. It engages upper and lower body muscles that help you walk, carry loads, climb stairs, etc. 

Straight leg raises

How to do?

  • Lie down on the floor on your back. 
  • Bend the left knee so the foot is flat on the floor. 
  • Keep the right one straight. 
  • Now lift the right leg slowly to the bent knee’s level. 
  • Hold the position till you feel a stretch. 
  • Repeat 7 times on each side. 

How does it help? 

This one focuses on the lower abs. Yet, it also engages the hip flexors and quadriceps. You can do them anywhere and anytime as long as you lie on your back freely. 

Lateral leg raises

How to do? 

  • Lie down on your side. 
  • Keep the legs stacked on top of the other and arms under the head. 
  • Lift the top leg as much as you can. 
  • Hold the position till you feel tension. 
  • Put it down gently. 
  • Repeat 5 times on each side. 

How does it help? 

Lateral leg raises engage muscles that help you jump, walk, run or even pick things off the floor. It improves your strength, reduces your risk of injuries, and makes you more stable. 

Where to Learn the Physiotherapy Exercises?

The best people to explain the exercises to you are licensed and trained physiotherapists. You can share your health goals with them and learn which exercises are best suited for you. Physiotherapy First is a well-established multi-disciplinary physiotherapy clinic in Brampton. We are committed to improving our patient’s health and restoring their normal lifestyle. Get in touch with us if you are not sure about the exercises.