Five Key Tips To Choose The Right Orthotics For Your Feet

Custom Foot Orthotics

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Looking for an easy way to manage foot problems such as Plantar Fasciitis, arthritis, bunions and calluses, etc.? You are not alone. 75% of Canadians are expected to complain about foot problems at some time in their lives. This is where the role of custom foot orthotics comes into play.

Foot orthotics take the pressure off injured areas in the foot. They provide accurate structural support to your feet. Thus, you will find it easier to correct functional foot problems and abnormalities. 

But, how to know which one’s the right orthotic for you? 

Let’s find out. 

How to Find the Right Foot Orthotics for Yourself? 

You don’t always need a foot problem to opt for foot orthotics. You may need the orthotic for optimal foot comfort as well. No matter what your reason is, here are five quick ways to find the right orthotics for your feet. 

  • Learn about your foot type and condition 

You should know what your foot arch type is to choose a proper foot orthotic. The wrong orthotic only increases pain and discomfort. 

The two main foot types: 

  • Flat feet or low-arched feet 

Flat feet are those that lack a gap between the floor and the arch of the foot. A rigid orthotic is what this kind of foot needs. 

  • High-arched feet

There is a significant gap between the floor and the arch of the foot in this type of foot. You need a soft orthotic to align the feet appropriately. 

Different foot conditions need different types of orthotics. Plantar fasciitis, for instance, needs cushioning and good arch support. 

  • Pick a comfortable material 

You can get orthotics in four types of materials such as leather, gel, cork and foam. Each serves a specific purpose. Foam offers maximum cushioning. Cork provides good support and so on. You will know the type of material you need once you learn about your exact foot problem. Do not put your comfort out of the picture. Make sure the material for orthotics provides the utmost comfort to your feet helping you stay active. 

  • Wear them in mostly used shoes 

You have to get familiar with orthotics. The best way to do that is by using them on shoes that you love to wear often. That way, it helps you do daily life activities hassle-free despite your feet resting on the orthotics. 

  • Consider all activities you engage in 

Do you have an active job? Does your job involve a lot of travelling? Well, you need to keep these things in mind as well while choosing orthotics for yourself. Whether you are an athlete or a regular office-goer, there is a specific foot orthotic for everyone. 

  • Consult with a professional physiotherapist/chiropractor 

Choosing the right foot orthotics is no easy feat. But, a professional physiotherapist/chiropractor can make it easier for you. They can analyze your needs and foot problems to prescribe the perfect foot orthotics. 

Wrapping Up, 

Foot problems do more than just limit your movement. Often, back and neck pain results from foot problems. Wearing the right orthotics can help you manage the problems and heal efficiently. Keep the above tips in mind while getting foot orthotics for yourself. 

Need a Physiotherapist/Chiropractor in Brampton? 

Are you suffering from any kind of foot pain or discomfort? Let our physiotherapists and chiropractors take a look at it. We will evaluate the condition in detail and guide you to choose the right foot orthotics for yourself. Additionally, our team prescribes easy exercises to help you recover as quickly as possible.