Is Physiotherapy The Best Carpal Tunnel Treatment?

Is Physiotherapy The Best Carpal Tunnel Treatment

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Carpal tunnel syndrome causes numbness, a tingling sensation and pain in the wrist and arm. It prevents the sufferer from enjoying the things they love or leading a healthy lifestyle. Thanks to physiotherapy, it is now possible to fix the problem without relying on surgeries or harsh pain meds. This article uncovers the role of physical therapy in carpal tunnel syndrome treatment so you know what to do if the symptoms arise.

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Let’s understand the structure of the wrist first.

The median nerve is the most important part of the wrist. It is responsible for the movement of the thumb, and wrist and the sensation of pain you may feel when something’s wrong with the nerve. It passes through the carpal tunnel in the wrist to send signals to the brain.

The problem arises when the tendons in the wrist are swollen due to repetitive activities such as typing. The swollen tendons press on the median nerve causing carpal tunnel syndrome.

As a result, you find it difficult to move or use your hand like before. The early symptoms include a tingling sensation and immobility in the thumb. These get even worse at night and may interrupt your sleep.

How Does Carpal Tunnel Physiotherapy Help?

Speaking of carpal tunnel treatment, physiotherapy is quite a safe and effective option. The physiotherapist customizes a therapeutic exercise program to treat the condition. The exercises focus on reducing the pressure exerted on the median nerve. The treatment plan may consist of other techniques as well based on the severity of your condition.

The benefits of physiotherapy for carpal tunnel syndrome are:

Reduces pain and discomfort

The physical therapist helps you perform specific hand exercises to reduce the stress on the median nerve. The movement exercises also reduce the inflammation in the tendons, which are the main source of carpal tunnel syndrome. With consistent sessions, you can regain mobility in the wrists and hands.

Prevents the reoccurrence of injuries

Physiotherapy focuses on long-term relief. That means the therapist guides you through certain home exercises as well after all the sessions are over. These home exercises strengthen your muscles and tendons in the wrist, thereby preventing the reoccurrence of injuries. They also advise you on how to protect your wrist without compromising work.

Surgeries are complicated. Pain meds provide temporary relief. So, the best option for carpal tunnel treatment is physiotherapy. It relieves the condition and doesn’t involve surgeries or complicated procedures.

What are the Different Physiotherapy Treatments for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Physiotherapists assess your condition to recommend the best treatments for your quick and smooth recovery. The initial focus is on neutralizing the upper extremity position to reduce the stress on the median nerve. Once that’s achieved, the therapist starts strengthening exercises to improve muscle endurance and performance. Let’s check out the most common physiotherapy treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome.

Physical therapy

The common exercises that help relieve carpal tunnel are forearm extensor stretches, forearm flexor stretches and hand rolling. Each has a unique role to play in treating the condition.

Postural correction

Poor posture is one of the most common reasons for carpal tunnel syndrome. If the therapist detects posture problems in your body, they help you fix them. The techniques help you regain a proper posture, which in turn reduces the stress on the median nerve.

Splinting and bracing

Therapists often recommend splints and braces to protect the wrist against injuries and help it heal efficiently. These devices reduce the symptoms while making it easier for you to perform activities involving your wrist.

Wrapping Up,

All in all, physiotherapy is an effective treatment option for carpal tunnel. It is non-invasive and generates a positive outcome. The therapist explains each treatment before starting so you know what to expect at the clinic. If you are in Brampton and in search of carpal tunnel treatment, Physiotherapy First is at your disposal. We have licensed and experienced physiotherapists to attend to and fix your health concerns.