What Does Pelvic Floor Therapy Look Like?


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The pelvic floor muscles connect the pubic bone to the tailbone. It along with the connective tissue controls bowel movement and urination in both men and women. It acts as a support cushion for the fetus in pregnant women and eases the birthing process by relaxing. If, due to any reason, the muscles lose their natural ability to contract or relax, you experience pelvic floor dysfunction. Physical therapy is the most common form of pelvic floor therapy since it’s safe, non-invasive and highly effective. So, without further adieu, let’s take a look at what pelvic floor physiotherapy is all about.

What Happens During Pelvic Floor Therapy Sessions?

Pelvic floor dysfunction can happen to both men and women. Patients may feel shy in the beginning but the therapists educate them about the disorder and how it is not a big deal. Once the patient is comfortable, they are taken into a private treatment room. The therapist gathers information about their symptoms, complaints and medical history.

Then they perform physical tests to determine the exact source of the dysfunction. Pelvic floor physiotherapy is all about restoring the normal functioning of the pelvic floor muscles. And for that to happen, the therapist must figure out the origin of the problem.

Pelvic floor dysfunction occurs when the muscles lose their ability to contract or relax. So, the therapist checks for tightness, tenderness or pain in the muscles through the exams. The exam results also determine the relationship between the pelvic floor and breathing pattern.

The physiotherapist schedules follow-up sessions and prepares the treatment plan based on the test results. Each plan is customized specifically to the patient’s health needs and goals.

How Does Physiotherapy Work on Pelvic Floor Muscles?

Muscle tone is the resting tension in a muscle in its non-contracted mode. Physiotherapy helps restore the normal muscle tone in your pelvic floor muscles. It works on both high-tone and low-tone disorders.

Conditions such as an overactive bladder, pelvic organ prolapse and stress incontinence occur due to low-tone muscle disorder. That means the muscles are in a relaxed state and aren’t able to contract naturally. This causes you to lose control over the bladder and bowel movements.

High-tone muscle disorders such as myofascial pain and Dyspareunia cause muscle spasms and pelvic pain. It is characterized by overtly tight pelvic muscles which are unable to relax naturally.

Physical therapy exercises help the muscles relax or contract, depending on your condition. You regain your normal mobility without surgeries or pain meds.

When to Visit Physiotherapy Clinic for Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Treatment?

The rule of thumb is to visit the physiotherapy clinic as soon as you feel even a slight discomfort in your pelvic floor muscles. It is because pelvic floor pain can also be the symptom of some other problem. So, you should consult with a specially-trained physical therapist as soon as possible.

The common symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction are a burning sensation during urination, nausea, chills, fever, vomiting, urine leakage, struggle to control urination, etc. Often, gynecologists recommend physical therapy for patients to find relief from pelvic floor discomfort.