What is Swedish Massage Therapy?

Swedish Massage

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Swedish massage therapy is the most common and oldest form of massage. It was initially mostly familiar to Westerners. Now, it is a widely accepted and sought-after massage therapy among people of various ages. The term ‘Swedish’ here refers to a ‘light’ massage while ‘Massage Therapy’ refers to a rehabilitative massage. Thus, it helps you relax, relieve pain, reduce muscle tension and improve your overall wellbeing. The therapy involves five basic strokes and is best suited for muscles and connective tissues of the body.

What is Swedish Massage Good for?

The best thing about the Swedish massage is that anyone can opt for it. Whether you want to relax after the daily grind or reduce neck pain, this therapeutic massage has got you covered.

Here is a detailed list of all the benefits of Swedish massage:

Reduces muscle tension and pain

The muscles in our body often develop tender knots underneath them due to overuse or injuries. These knots cause pain in your neck, back, shoulders and so on. The Swedish massage therapist uses specific strokes to knead the deep, damaged muscles and release the tension. As the knots start unwinding, you also get rid of the pain or immobility that is often associated with muscle tension.

Stimulates the right nerves

Muscle injuries can also put abnormal pressure on the associated nerves and cause excruciating pain. The Swedish massage focuses on restoring the normal flexibility of the muscles, thereby withdrawing the pressure from the nerves. The therapist applies long, strokes in a rhythmic tapping fashion to stimulate the right nerves and make you pain-free.

Relaxes and uplifts your mood

This is what the Swedish massage is famous for. The long, kneading strokes and friction involved in it help release oxytocin, serotonin and dopamine. These three hormones make us feel happy and relaxed. The movements also also reduce the stress hormone, cortisol.

Improves flexibility

Pain and movement problems go hand in hand. The Swedish massage reduces pain as mentioned earlier and hence improves flexibility in those areas. The kneading techniques boost the range of motion and hence the massage is often recommended to athletes.

Besides these, the Swedish massage also improves blood circulation and sleep quality, reduces anxiety and treats premenstrual syndrome or PMS.

Who may benefit from Swedish massage therapy?

It is best suited for people looking for relaxation and short-term pain relief. Regular sessions can reduce pain, anxiety and depression on a long-term basis. If you are in any form of musculoskeletal pain such as in the neck, shoulders or other parts, Swedish massage can bring you relief.

What are the Different Swedish Massage Techniques?

The Swedish massage consists of five unique strokes. Each plays a crucial role in maintaining your overall well-being and health.

Effleurage- refers to gliding strokes. It helps relieve tension.

Pertissage- refers to movements like rolling, kneading, lifting and wringing. It boosts blood circulation.

Tapotement– refers to the rhythmic tapping of the target muscles. It helps in lymph drainage and relaxing muscles.

Friction– refers to the rubbing of the target muscles in a linear or circular rhythm. It improves joint movements.

Vibration– refers to the rhythmic shaking of the target muscles. It soothes nerves and works best on large knots.

The massage therapist evaluates your condition and uses a technique accordingly. So, it is crucial to share all your health concerns with the therapist right in the beginning.

What is the difference between a Swedish massage and a regular massage?

Swedish massage is the oldest known massage technique known to humankind. Per Henrik Ling, a Swedish doctor and poet, developed the technique in 1894. It was then used to treat nerve injuries and shell shocks in war victims or soldiers. With time, massage adopted medical technology and modern innovations and is now one of the best healing massage therapies in the world. Most massage therapies today are a modified version of Swedish massage.

A regular massage helps relieve muscle tension and knots in the short term. It is more suitable if your pain is caused by strained muscles.

Looking for Swedish Massage Therapy in Brampton?

If you are in Brampton and in need of Swedish massage, Physiotherapy First is the perfect place for you. We have registered massage therapists with years of experience in treating different health conditions. We are available at 905-796-6662. Share your health concerns and we will book you with our top therapists right away!