Is Physical Therapy Suitable for Headaches?

Physical Therapy for Headaches

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Headaches ruin moods, days and productivity at work. It is, however, possible to treat the condition without relying on medications. Physical therapy is the answer. This healthcare practice takes a holistic approach to treating different types of headaches. That means it involves your own body in its healing process. So, let’s understand how physical therapy relieves headaches and is a reliable treatment option for this condition.

How Physical Therapy Relieves Headaches?

You can experience pain in your head due to several reasons. Mild sinus, for instance, can trigger the pain. The most common cause, however, lies in the neck. Often, strained neck muscles or text neck contribute to the headache. The good news is physiotherapy can assess, diagnose and treat the problem without any side effects.

The physiotherapist performs a thorough musculoskeletal assessment of your body. This lets them identify the exact underlying cause of your pain. It can be due to tight muscles, muscular imbalances or weaknesses. The physical therapist prepares a treatment plan accordingly.

The common treatments include:

Manual therapy

This is the process of applying manual pressure at an optimum intensity and velocity to the affected area. The pressure releases muscle tension and reduces pain.

Read More: Most Popular Manual Therapy Techniques in Brampton 

Therapeutic exercises

Exercise also tends to stretch and strengthen the muscles that cause headaches. Most physical therapists recommend exercises that target back muscles, neck and shoulders in the case of headaches.

Read More: Five Best Physiotherapy Exercises To Maximize Your Movement Potential

Massage therapy

Massage therapy is where the therapist rubs the affected area using a specific technique. It releases any tension or stiffness from the area and helps restore optimal mobility.

Read More: Physiotherapy vs Massage Therapy | Which is the Right Treatment for You?

Lifestyle changes

Incorporating healthy lifestyle habits can improve your mobility and strength, thereby reducing the frequency of headaches as well. A physiotherapist guides you with the necessary lifestyle adaptations at the end of the session.

The physical therapist decides which treatments would be most effective for you after a thorough physical examination of your body. They also analyze your lifestyle and medical history to `

What are the Different Types of Headaches?

Physical therapy relieves headaches. But, there are three different types of headaches. An experienced physiotherapist diagnoses the type of headache you are having and personalizes the treatments accordingly. Let’s check out the common physical therapies for each type of headache.

Cervicogenic headaches

This one originates in the neck but the pain is throughout the back of your head. It occurs due to an injury in the neck muscles. The common symptoms include pain on one or both sides of your face or neck, pain around the eyes and limited movement in the neck.

Physical therapy modalities like exercises and massage therapy can reduce the pain and bring back your normal mobility. It strengthens your neck and upper back muscles, thereby preventing the recurrence of the problem.


People often wonder if physical therapy relieves migraine headaches. Well, research suggests that physical therapy has beneficial effects on the frequency and intensity of migraines.

Migraine is a painful neurological condition that causes pain on one side of the head. It can last from 4 to 3 days. However, physical therapy treatments such as massage therapy, heat and cold application and TENS application can provide a great deal of relief. The active therapies that also come in handy are stretching and low-impact aerobic conditioning.

Tension headaches

Have you ever had a dull ache around the head or specifically on both sides of the head? That is a classic characteristic of tension headaches. Stress, lack of sleep and poor posture are often the main causes behind this pain.

Physical therapy has shown significant benefits in the treatment of tension headaches. Both active and passive therapies can reduce the pain and provide long-term relief.

All in all, physical therapy relieves headaches in various ways without harming the body. It involves no surgeries and hence is quite easy to go through the process.

Final Thoughts, Headaches can occur due to various reasons. You may have had a tough day at work. Your posture may stiffen up your neck muscles, contributing to the pain. In most cases, physical therapy can help you deal with headaches. Let the physiotherapist examine you and decide the best treatments for your nature of headache. Follow their instructions and do not shy away from asking questions about your health. This will help you make the most of every physiotherapy session.

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