What Is the Best Mode of Cervicogenic Headache Treatment in Brampton?


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Cervicogenic pain is a secondary chronic headache that initiates in the neck and radiates towards the front of the head and shoulder. It affects more than 22-25% of the adult population and develops due to injury or strain in the cervical vertebrae. Therefore, the treatment focuses on recovering musculoskeletal pain by relaxing the muscles, bones, soft tissues, and nerves. To know the best cervicogenic headache treatment in Brampton read the article….

What Is the Best Way of Cervicogenic Headache Treatment?

Physiotherapy is one of the best ways of treating cervicogenic headaches. It alleviates the pain, improves functioning, and strengthens the bones and muscles. With a comprehensive and systematic mode of therapeutic therapies, physiotherapy has created a proven track record of recovering numerous cervicogenic headaches.

Mainstream medical treatment has both invasive and non-invasive modes. However, some of the studies state there is an alarming change in patients’ choice of treatment. They prefer physiotherapy over medication for pain management. For cervicogenic headache treatment in Brampton, many physicians are advising patients to undergo physiotherapy for the fastest relief.

Methods of Physiotherapy for Cervicogenic Headache Treatment

A physiotherapist conducts assessments to ensure your pain as cervicogenic headaches, and then they start with the following interventions for treatment:

  • Manual therapy – It includes manual manipulation and massaging the target area of the neck and head to heal faster.
  • Ultrasound therapy – It uses ultrasound waves to penetrate through the soft tissues and treat pain conditions.
  • Exercise – This is one of the age-old therapies to recover pain and keep the body fit and fine. It does not just recover, but rather ensures no further relapse of the pain.
  • Hot & cold therapy – Blood circulation has a vital role in managing pain. Hot and cold therapy promotes healing by regulating blood circulation and addressing swelling or soreness.
  • Education – To recover and cease further pain it is necessary to educate the patient about the cause and methods of relaxation. This education includes lifestyle modification, improving postures, etc.

Want to know what the signs of cervicogenic pains are and where you can get the best cervicogenic headache treatment in Brampton? Read on..

What Are the Top 10 Signs of Cervicogenic Headache?

Signs of cervicogenic headache are as follows:

  1. Loss of motion of the neck.
  2. Worsening headache on certain cervical movements or pressure on the neck area.
  3. Headache on one side of the head.
  4. Pain origination from the lower part of the skull.
  5. Radiation of pain from neck to head, shoulder, and arms.
  6. Muscle weakness.
  7. Confusion, nausea, vomiting.
  8. Difficulty in walking and balancing.
  9. Trouble in speaking and in vision.
  10. Fever with a headache.

How Can Physiotherapy Benefit the Patient With Cervicogenic Headache?

Physiotherapy is a highly rated treatment for headaches. One of the most celebrated clinics for cervicogenic headache treatment in Brampton is Physiotherapy First. Within a very short span of time, their patients with cervicogenic pain got recovery with the following health benefits:

  • Range of movement of neck and head improves.
  • Pain vanishes away.
  • Soft tissues and muscles get stronger.
  • The immune system improves.
  • Blood circulation improves.
  • The risk of further injury reduces.
  • Musculoskeletal system functions better.

Physiotherapy First provides an array of therapeutic treatments comprising osteopathy, chiropractic care, acupuncture, work injury, vehicle accident, rehabilitation, etc. Under the supervision of Jasdeep Dhir, Chairperson of the National Orthopaedic Division with 20 years of experience in this domain is providing superlative service to patients. The team of experts and technology used are highly commendable.

If you are suffering from pain then don’t delay, book an appointment with a physiotherapist and unblock your pathway to living a painless life!