Safe & Easy Movement Strategies to Reduce Back Pain

Physiotherapy Brampton

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Lower back pain is one of the most common health problems around. Sitting for long periods of time, being in poor posture, and carrying extra weight on your lower body are just a few reasons why lower back pain may occur. The next time you find yourself in discomfort, try these safe, easy movements to relieve lower back pain and get you moving again comfortably!

First Thing to Practice to relieve lower back pain

We typically feel tense and apprehensive when experiencing back pain, and we fear movement. It’s crucial to note that slow, easy motion, and tension reduction techniques are what aid best in the relief of low back discomfort.

When practicing these movements, keep your awareness of your breath, and move slowly and thoughtfully. This helps lower the chance of muscle spasms, pushing the body too much, or even triggering another injury.

So, the first thing to practice is the focus of your mind and the fluid motion.

Breathing control

To assist in relaxing your body, take nice and deep breaths. To help calm your nervous system and relieve pain, concentrate on your breathing.

Relax and focus on releasing tension within your body while in a posture of ease. This can help you be more aware of your body and may deliver some immediate relief from pain.

Relaxation techniques

One technique that helps the body relax is autogenic relaxation. This can lower pain by using your breath to target specific areas of the body, focusing on those places feeling heavy or warm. Quietly repeat to yourself slowly six times, for example, the arms, “My arms are very heavy.” Then quietly, “I am completely calm.” Work through your body like this can relax you and help prepare you for the following exercises.

It helps if you imagine yourself in a safe, comfortable place while performing these techniques, like lying down next to a pool with gentle waves crashing over you.

Gentle Movements

Slow, gentle movements are most effective in reducing pain and speeding recovery.

It’s critical to maintain a safe range of motion while controlling your breathing and relaxing your body, even though mild discomfort may progress when you begin to move.

Change Positions Often

Remaining in one physical position for a long time may exacerbate your discomfort and make you tense further.

Move into your next posture when you feel your body telling you to do so. If sitting, perhaps stand a moment or walk mindfully and use your muscles before putting them back in a nonmoving posture again.

To minimize unpleasant body tension and stiffness, it’s critical to shift position regularly.


The cat-cow (also known as cat-camel) exercise is a spinal mobilization technique that aids in the “loosening” of a person’s spine, introducing movement to your lower and mid-back.

  1. Start in a 4-point position. Hands and knees on the floor.
  2. Begin with your back arched and your head looking straight ahead.
  3. Lift your back to the sky curved high like that of a cat and look down to the ground with your head, relaxing your neck.
  4. Alternate slowly again to the relaxed cow position, letting your belly drop and your back arch.
  5. Gently move in-to and out of each position following your breath.


This exercise is similar to that of wringing out a wet cloth or towel, gently focusing on the body’s midsection.

  1. Find space on the floor and make yourself comfortable so you can lay on your back and have room to either side.
  2. Begin with bringing your knees bent and together with your feet still relaxed, touching the ground.
  3. Keep your upper back and shoulders relaxed and flat on the floor.
  4. Slowly bring both your knees together to one side of the body and let their weight do the work with gravity.
  5. The twisting or wringing section of the towel throughout the middle area of your body, back, hips, and spine.
  6. Let that movement sit for a while as you are calmly breathing.
  7. Keep your knees together, move them back to the upper center, and perform this on the other side.
  8. With slow and controlled movements, alternate and relax into the posture each time.

Relieve Lower Back Pain | Gentle Guidance

We’ve given you here a few things to practice, from breathing to visualization and some simple floor exercises to ease the pain. The information here is a general guideline to relieve lower back pain.

If you have concerns about your pain or if your condition continues, we encourage you to speak with one of our physiotherapists.

There are effective physiotherapy treatments for back pain, and Physiotherapy First would be glad to help you work through a regimen and plan together with you!