Ankle Sprain & the Benefits of Physiotherapy


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An ankle sprain results when you twist, roll or turn your ankle awkwardly. The ligaments (tough tissue) that keep the bones in the ankle together might be torn or stretched by this action.

When you get an ankle sprain, the area is likely to swell, become painful or affect your motion. Most people treat ankle sprains by resting, pain relievers and ice application. The best way to treat ankle sprains is by getting in touch with a medical professional such as a physiotherapist.

What will a physiotherapist do?

If you slip and sprain your ankle, don’t hesitate to get help from our Brampton Physiotherapy Clinic. We work with a team of specially trained personnel who undergo retraining regularly to equip them with more professional skills.

When you visit our clinic, we will quickly assess your condition to determine the most appropriate treatment method for you. Expect to get back to doing the things that you loved most after 3 to 8 weeks depending on the severity of your ankle sprain.

The basic steps of treatment at Physiotherapy First include:

First stage

We will commence the treatment by assessing the area to understand the severity of the injury. An X-ray scan might be required to assess whether a fracture occurred, though this happens rarely. Once the possibility of a fracture is eliminated, we are left to deal with soft tissue injuries. Your ligaments should take around 4 or 6 weeks to heal fully.

Second stage

In this stage, we focus on reducing any swelling around the ankle sprain, along with the pain that comes with it. Your physiotherapist may employ techniques such as taping, joint mobilization, soft tissue massage and a variety of exercises to increase the range of motion.

These and other procedures are very effective in bringing down the pain and swelling. They also help recover your ability to walk normally.

Third stage

To restore your ability to move your ankle in all directions, we employ direct treatment and a personalized home exercise schedule.

Every exercise or medical procedure administered by Physiotherapy First is geared towards gifting every patient the gait pattern that they had before spraining their ankle. We treat your ankle ligaments in the best way possible to facilitate the rate at which they heal.

When your pain subsides, we will prescribe exercises to strengthen your ankle. This is particularly useful for enduring long walks as you recover.

Getting you back to normal

After our Brampton Physiotherapy Clinic administers the above remedies to treat your ankle sprain, we undertake some procedures to get you back to normal. These include proprioception, muscle strength restoration, and the implementation of sport-specific and functional exercises.

You need not worry about commencing the exercises. We will only recommend them when your pain subsides completely and your range of motion is recovered fully.

If an old ankle sprain has been tormenting you or holding you back from participating in your favourite sport, get in touch with us on our website or on Instagram. We will restore your full strength to enjoy your beloved sport.

Physiotherapy First offers the Brampton community and surrounding area exceptional rehabilitative care with personalized treatment plans to suit specific needs. If you are experiencing pain or other symptoms, have recently had an injury, or would like to improve your mobility and function, our Physiotherapists and Healthcare Team will work with you to ensure you get back to the activities that are important to you. Call us at 905-796-6662 for an appointment today or email us at