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Sports massage is an integral part of sports medicine. It serves three main purposes: preventing injury, facilitating post-injury rehabilitation and enhancing performance. If you haven’t been to a massage therapy session yet, you must be curious to know the exact role of massage in sports physiotherapy. So, here it is. This blog explores all the benefits of sports massage and why it is a popular treatment choice for coaches and athletes.
We all know massage therapy relaxes muscles. But, when it comes to sports, it isn’t limited to that. In sports rehabilitation, massage therapy also improves your sports performance, boosts recovery and prevents injuries. No matter which level of sports activity you are in, therapeutic massages benefit you in ways more than you can imagine. Let’s check out some of the main benefits.
Athletes are involved in repeated sports activity for long periods of time. This results in wear and tear of muscles and joints. Sports massage reduces this muscle fatigue and restores its natural flexibility.
DOMS or Delayed-onset muscle soreness is a condition that limits an athlete from reaching their maximum potential. It causes muscle pain and usually occurs after heavy exercises. You can also feel muscle tightness and inflexibility.
Sports massage releases the tension in muscles, thereby eradicating muscle tightness and pain. The techniques involved stretching the affected muscle fibers thus improving its flexibility and range of motion. The stiffness also reduces as the muscle starts releasing the tension. This leads to better blood circulation.
Athletes are highly susceptible to injuries. Different sports target different muscle groups. Football, for instance, targets the muscles of the thigh such as the hamstrings and quadriceps. Basketball, on the other hand, uses forearm muscles, biceps, triceps and deltoids.
Daily sports activities can cause the accumulation of waste products and toxins in the muscles. Massage therapists identify the targetted muscles and use specific techniques to maintain their optimal range of motion and strength. They enable the removal of toxins, increase tissue elasticity and boost oxygenation.
This removal of toxins is integral to reducing the risk of injuries.
Manual manipulation therapy improves the blood flow and oxygen to the muscles. The uninterrupted blood circulation keeps your muscles strong and reduces the risk of injuries.
According to a study published in the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, athletes who got sports massage regularly, experienced fewer musculoskeletal injuries as compared to those who didn’t.
It is normal to experience muscle fatigue, pain, spasms and swelling after a game. That occurs due to the accumulation of lactic acid, toxins and waste products within the muscles. Sports massage helps you get rid of waste products, thereby restoring the normal healthy state of your muscles. As the toxins subside, the recovery process increases tenfold.
According to a published article, sports massage can boost the healing process, minimize scar tissue and improve your range of motion. The massage techniques tend to activate molecules that promote the growth of mitochondria and reduce inflammation.
The sports massage therapist takes around 24 to 48 hours to identify the short and tight muscles through various tests. They then prescribe techniques based on which sport you play and which muscles are affected.
All in all, massage is quite popular in sports physiotherapy. It prevents injuries, reduces pain and maximizes your physical potential. If you are into any kind of sport, it is wise to visit a massage therapy clinic in Brampton at least once a month.
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