Five Highly Effective Ways to Treat Whiplash Injuries


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Whiplash injuries are usually common in car accidents. The other causes include contact sports, roller coaster rides, and slips or falls. It occurs when a sudden force pushes your neck and spine forward or backward. The force wears down the neck muscles and causes tears in the tendons, causing pain, mobility issues and discomfort. In most cases, the condition is treatable and stays for a short period of time.

Pain meds provide you with temporary relief from the discomfort. You can use other natural techniques to allow whiplash to heal on its own without the risk of side effects.

How to Manage Symptoms of Whiplash?

The common symptoms of whiplash are a pain in the neck and back, neck stiffness, arm pain, headaches and a frozen shoulder. You should begin the treatments as soon as you experience the symptoms to recover quickly.

  1. Light stretching exercises

You can perform light stretches to ease the affected muscles, tendons and ligaments. Whiplash causes the neck to extend or compress very quickly. Specific stretching exercises restore your neck mobility as well.

Physiotherapists often recommend gentle stretches if the pain is mild or has subsided. The exercises include slowly turning your neck up and down or side to side. The purpose is to improve your range of motion and reduce discomfort.

  1. Heat and cold therapy

Applying ice to the affected area can reduce swelling which is the main cause of pain and discomfort. Avoid applying the ice directly to the skin. Wrap it up in a towel and use it instead to prevent any uncomfortable burn.

Swelling and inflammation occur within 48 hours after the accident. So, it is better to apply the ice right after the accident without waiting for the symptoms to occur. The swelling usually occurs in the upper back, shoulders and neck.

Heat therapy improves the flow of blood in the affected area. It facilitates the flow of oxygen and fresh nutrients to the damaged soft tissues, thereby reducing pain and easing muscle tension. Try applying ice and heat alternately within 48 hours.

  1. Chiropractic care

Chiropractors can help realign the neck joints, relax the muscles and boost the natural recovery process of your body. Here’s how they can treat whiplash symptoms:

  • Muscle stimulation

Whiplash stretches the spine and neck muscles beyond their normal range of motion, which causes stiffness. Muscle stimulation releases this muscle tension and restores normal movement.

  • Stabilization exercises

The chiropractor may prescribe specific stabilization exercises to regulate movement patterns. These exercises enable the nervous system to control and coordinate movement patterns so your neck restores its ability to maintain stability.

  • Spinal manipulation

Spinal manipulation involves identifying and correcting any misalignments in the neck joints. The chiropractors use a gentle, hands-on manipulation technique to help you recover.

A chiropractor can treat your body as a whole if you are experiencing symptoms of whiplash injuries. They examine the cause of the pain before implementing the treatments

  1. Massage therapy

Whiplash leads to tons of microscopic tears in the neck ligaments. The condition also accumulates a lot of tension in the muscles, causing restricted movement. The right type of massage can heal these tears, improve your neck mobility and reduce pain.

Massage techniques that benefit whiplash treatment:

  • Fascial release therapy
  • Swedish deep tissue massage
  • Cross fibre friction
  • Trigger point therapy

The massage therapist examines your injuries and gathers information about your hobbies and daily activities. They provide you with a treatment that restores your normal movement and heals the injuries.

  1. Acupuncture

Acupuncture involves the insertion of thin filament needles into the affected areas, which triggers the natural healing response of your body. The treatment relieves pain, improves your energy needs and helps you restore your daily life activities.

Whiplash can damage the neck muscles and tendons. There may be restricted blood flow as well, causing pain. Acupuncture improves blood circulation across the damaged area and helps you heal.

Wrapping Up,

Whiplash injuries can occur after a car accident or any physical activity that may exert a sudden force on the head or neck. The condition should heal on its own. What you can do is improve the recovery process. The above-mentioned treatments can help you deal with it naturally and efficiently.