What You Should Feel After a Chiropractic Visit for the First Time?


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The excruciating neck pain has been a bother for quite some time now. You finally decide to visit a chiropractic clinic for an adjustment to end the pain. After the first session, however, you feel worse. Thoughts like “Does chiropractic care even work?” “Is there something seriously wrong with your body?” “Will the pain ever go?” pop up in your head.

Don’t worry. It is NORMAL to feel discomfort, soreness and pain to some extent after the initial chiropractic adjustments. This blog will guide you through all the common things you feel after the first chiropractic visit.

Things You Should Expect After Initial Chiropractic Treatment 

Whether you feel pain or soreness, it happens for a valid reason. It becomes clearer as you understand how chiropractic adjustments work.

Simply put, the chiropractor moves your vertebrae during the adjustments to relieve you. Your body isn’t familiar with this movement. So, it takes time for your muscles to adapt to the movement of bones during the adjustment. The muscles may stretch or shorten depending on the treatment, causing side effects that fade once you get adjusted to the spinal manipulation.

Here’s what to feel after a chiropractic adjustment: 


You are most likely to feel muscle soreness and pain after the initial chiropractic treatments. As mentioned earlier, the muscles have to stretch and contract during the adjustments causing soreness and pain. The chiropractor may manually adjust the spine or other areas or use the equipment. The soreness disappears within 24 hours. You should, however, talk to your chiropractor if the pain persists even after that.

2.Irregular bowel movements 

Chiropractic adjustments improve muscular mobility and help it release toxins. This toxic release can cause irregular bowel movements. Some people may experience diarrhea, while others may feel abdominal pain. These are normal symptoms occurring because of the release of toxins into your body.


Headaches are also quite common after chiropractic adjustments. The severity varies depending on the type of treatment you receive at the chiropractic clinic. But the headaches also disappear after a few hours. Chiropractic adjustments release pressure from the tight muscles in the neck and back. Thus, it works wonders when it comes to treating migraines.

4.Nausea (During or after the adjustment)

Chiropractic adjustments manipulate the spine to align the way it is supposed to. Tension, stress and toxins are released during the process. The body is unfamiliar with the alignment and hence tries to reject it, causing nausea. The feeling doesn’t last for long. You can also feel nauseatic after the adjustments. You should lie down and rest. The discomfort will go away in a day.

5.Mild cold signs 

The cold is mild and goes away in a few hours. This is also a result of the toxin release that occurs after a chiropractic adjustment. The symptoms are neither chronic nor severe.

All the side effects are temporary. Most of them vanish after a few hours. The purpose of chiropractic adjustments is to hold your joints in a proper alignment. And the process causes slight soreness, cold symptoms, etc. Your chiropractor will guide you throughout the recovery process.

Looking for An Efficient Chiropractor in Brampton? 

Your search for an eminent chiropractic clinic in Brampton ends here at Physiotherapy First. Our chiropractors have several years of experience helping patients deal with neck pain, back pain and more. We evaluate each patient individually, assuring you of the utmost attention. Consult with our chiropractors to know how we can help relieve your pain.