Why Get Rotator Cuff Treatment at Physiotherapy Clinics?


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A rotator cuff tear is common among people over 40. It occurs when the rotator cuff (muscles and tendons in the shoulder) wears down with time. Do you often indulge in physical activities that involve repeated shoulder movements? In that case, too, you are susceptible to rotator cuff injuries. Physiotherapy is considered the first line of rotator cuff treatment. It is safe, non-invasive and helps restore strength and movement effectively. Most importantly, physical therapy strengthens the shoulder muscles, helping you prevent injuries in the future.

What are the Benefits of Rotator Cuff Physiotherapy Treatment?

Rotator cuff injuries affect the muscles and tendons in your shoulder. Thus, it makes lifting and rotating nothing less than a struggle. Physiotherapy is highly effective when you get the treatment right after noticing the symptoms. It is then easier to control the condition and prevent it from becoming more severe.

The main benefits of physiotherapy treatment for rotator cuff tear:

Speeds up the healing process

Unlike surgeries and pain meds, physical therapy focuses on activating the natural healing response of your body. The therapist recommends specific stretching and strengthening exercises to speed up the healing process and relieve your pain.

Improves mobility and range of motion of shoulders

Rotator cuff tears damage the shoulder joints and associated muscles and tendons. It causes loss of mobility in these areas. Physiotherapists can help you restore mobility and range of motion in your shoulders. With specific exercises, you can use your shoulders normally like you used to before the injury.

Prevents surgery

Surgery is no more the only rotator cuff treatment option. Physiotherapy is one of the best alternative treatments for rotator cuff tears. It not only brings relief from pain but also helps you recover without the need for surgeries.

All in all, physiotherapy is the right choice of treatment for rotator cuff injury. It helps you manage the condition and restore optimal mobility efficiently. It’s the safest way to return to a normal lifestyle with full shoulder functioning.

What are Treatment Goals at Physiotherapy Clinics?

The physiotherapist may recommend a wide slew of treatments depending on the severity of your injury. The common goals of all treatments are:

Strengthening shoulder muscles

Rotator cuff tears ruin the stability of your shoulder joints. Thus, therapists guide you through exercises that strengthen the muscles and relieve pain.

Boosting the flexibility

The more flexible your shoulder muscles, the better it can move and perform activities. Thus, the physiotherapist prescribes gentle stretching exercises to bring you relief.

The physical therapist evaluates your condition through physical examinations. They recommend the most effective treatment plan based on the exam findings.

How to Get Started with Physiotherapy Care?

There’s nothing to panic about first visits to physiotherapy clinics. The therapist listens to your health concerns first before proceeding with the rest of the steps. They, however, recommend everyone to do the following to make the most of physiotherapy care:

Perform warm-up exercises daily

Whether you are in pain or not, a 10-minute warm-up exercise does wonders for your health more than you can think. In the case of rotator cuff tears, therapists can help you learn the right exercises for your recovery.

Address pain as soon as possible

You should address the pain or discomfort as soon as you feel it. Pain or immobility in the shoulders is the most common symptom of rotator cuff tear.

Ask as many questions as you want

The first session is where physiotherapists consult with you thoroughly. Ask them as many questions as you want related to your health so you have a clear idea about what’s wrong. You should also clear your doubts regarding any other step of the treatment before doing them.

Rotator cuff tears are an obstacle to a normal lifestyle. You struggle to move your arm or sleep due to shoulder pain. Physiotherapy helps you recover from the condition through strengthening and stretching exercises. You can start using your shoulder painlessly after a few sessions at the clinic.