What are the Benefits of Combining Physiotherapy with Other Treatments?

Combining Physiotherapy with Other Treatments

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If you have ever visited a physiotherapy clinic near Brampton, chances are you have heard or seen the term ‘multidisciplinary approach’. Yes, most clinics out there adopt this particular approach to treat a wide range of ailments. A multidisciplinary approach means combining physiotherapy with other treatments like massage therapy, acupuncture, etc. It allows the professionals to get multiple opinions on the health issue and design the most effective treatment plan for the patient. 

So, let’s check out the common treatments physiotherapy is often paired with. We will also discuss the benefits each combination offers. 

Physiotherapy and Massage Therapy

Both treatments offer individual health benefits. The combination, however, improves your overall well-being in the long run. While one relaxes muscle cells, the other promotes mobility. 

What is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy relieves muscle pain and restores optimal mobility. It primarily focuses on any condition that affects the function and movement of a human being. The common conditions it treats include chronic pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, arthritis and more. 

What is Massage Therapy?

Massage therapy is the manual manipulation of injured soft tissues. Its purpose is to relax muscles and calm down stress responses. 


Why Combine Both?

The combination of physiotherapy and massage therapy serves as a great tool for pain and stress management. It provides better pain relief, quicker recovery from injuries, a better range of motion and a deep relaxing experience. 

Physiotherapy treatments improve the way you move and function. The experienced physiotherapists guide you through specific exercises to strengthen your muscles and improve their flexibility. Massage therapy, on the other hand, releases muscle stress and promotes relaxation. 

Combining physiotherapy with other treatments such as massage therapy has powerful stress-reducing properties. You not only experience pain relief but also deep relaxation throughout the process. 

Physiotherapy and Chiropractic Treatment

Most people often consider both these treatments as the same. Though they may treat similar ailments, chiropractic and physiotherapy are two very different treatments. 

What is Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractors are spine experts. They mainly deal with problems associated with the spine that may also affect other parts of your body. 

Why Combine Both?

Physiotherapy and chiropractic care are often used together to treat the same injury. Back pain, for instance, may require spinal realignments along with flexibility exercises. Chiropractors help with the former while physiotherapists provide the latter. 

Most musculoskeletal problems either stem from the spine or affect the spine eventually. This is where the role of chiropractors comes into play. They identify the underlying issue and focus on correcting the spinal problems. 

Physiotherapists, at the same time, work on reducing your pain and improving your movement. They guide you through exercises or use other methods like soft tissue mobilization to achieve the desired effect. 

Physiotherapy and Acupuncture

Both treatments adopt completely different techniques to treat ailments. But, combining both gives optimal health benefits. acupuncture is a natural pain management approach. Hence, experienced physiotherapists often include it as a part of their treatment plan. 

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a traditional Eastern Chinese medicine. It is about restoring the energy balance in our body, which is crucial for good health and well-being. 

Also Read: Is Acupuncture Right for You?

Why Combine Both?

Acupuncture has a direct positive impact on the body’s natural healing abilities. Thus, physiotherapists often provide this treatment followed by other physical therapy methods. 

In the case of back pain, for instance, acupuncture first prepares the body for physiotherapy treatments. The needles inserted during acupuncture relax muscles and stimulate the natural healing response. The body also generates more endorphins which keep you mentally calm as well. 

By the end of the sessions, your body will feel more flexible and comfortable. 

Then physical therapists may help you through exercises or heat and cold treatment to take care of your pain and discomfort. 

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