What is text neck


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Text neck is one of the severe conditions that result due to constant texting or using smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices. The pain starts in the neck but spreads across the shoulders and even lower back if left untreated. The more you have clarity about text neck, the easier it will be for you to identify and treat it.

What exactly is text neck?

Text neck is characterized by a repetitive strain injury that usually occurs due to excessive use of mobile devices such as smartphones & tablets. The excruciating pain in the neck further spreads across the spine, shoulder and lower back with time and age.

So, what happens when you look at your phone?

The best way to cure or prevent text neck is by abandoning mobile devices for the rest of your life. Let’s face it; Living without mobile phones isn’t possible in today’s world. However, what you can do is use the phone in such a way that it doesn’t affect your neck, spine or lower back. Here’s what goes wrong when you look at your phone:

  • We tend to look down and drop our heads forward to look at our mobile screen. This position changes the natural curvature of your neck.
  • Constantly looking down at your phones causes wear and tear on the neck structures.
  • The misalignment of the posture strains your neck muscles.

The purpose of the neck muscle is to support the weight of your head. But every time you drop your head forward even by an inch; it doubles the load on those muscles.

What are the symptoms of Text Neck?

Most people already suffer from text neck but are unaware of it. Thus it is crucial to know and identify the symptoms of text neck such as:

  • Headache

Severe muscle spasms occur at the base of the neck resulting in tremendous pain which extends to the head.

  • Restricted Mobility

You are most likely to experience tightness and restricted mobility in the shoulders upper back and neck.

  • Rounded shoulders and forward head postures

The prolonged forward head posture causes an imbalance in the muscles of the neck, chest and upper back.

  • Shoulder and Neck Pain

Text neck causes achiness and soreness in the shoulder neck and upper back.

These are just a few of the symptoms you may experience daily in the case of text neck. However, it varies from case to case. It is better to consult with a professional physiotherapist to identify the core affected areas.

How to prevent text neck pain?

You may not be able to abandon mobile phones. But you can learn to be careful while using them. Thus here are five simple tips that can help you prevent text neck pain.

  • Arch & Stretch

Arch your upper back and neck consistently in the backwards position to relieve muscle pain.

  • Take as many breaks as possible

Use an alarm to remind yourself to take breaks from looking at your smartphone constantly.

  • Keep the phone closer to eye level

Make sure the head doesn’t tilt forward when you are using your phone.

  • Maintain a good posture

Pull back your shoulders, tuck in your chin and stand up straight to keep the body in a neutral position.

  • Workout Daily

Daily exercises strengthen and boost the flexibility of your back and neck.

Don’t panic if you cannot implement the tips or prevent text neck pain. Our team of eminent physiotherapists is here to make things easier for you. We analyze the condition and locate the exact pain points and recommend an effective treatment accordingly.