Comparison of Custom Foot Orthotics vs. Over-The-Counter Orthotics

custom foot orthotics

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Orthotics protect your feet, reduce foot pain, and help manage a variety of foot-related problems. There are two types of orthotics. Over-the-counter or OTC orthotics are available instantly. They are great when it comes to instant pain relief. Custom orthotics, on the contrary, are tailor-made according to your specific needs. People often get confused about whether to get OTC or custom orthotics in Brampton. Thus, here is a detailed comparison of custom or OTC foot orthotics so you can make the best decision for yourself. 

Custom Foot Orthotics vs. Over-The-Counter Orthotics

The feet are the most underestimated part of our body, though it is as important as the spine. You may not know this but your feet’s health influences the rest of your body. Thus, you should take care of your foot conditions in the best way possible. OTC orthotics are perfect for those looking for instant pain relief. These help with subtle injuries to the feet. Custom ones, however, address and treat biomechanical or structural problems with your feet. 

Let’s check out the most important factors to consider while choosing your foot orthotics. 

Fit and support 

Both types of orthotics help you get your foot pain under control. You put them inside your shoes and they provide your feet with the comfort and cushioning it needs. 

Over-the-counter inserts are more generic. They usually have one size and are designed to fit all shoes or footbeds. Most OTC orthotics are made up of foam or gel, which act as reliable cushions for your feet. These are effective if you want orthotics to support and cushion your feet. 

Custom orthotics are however recommended if you need them to correct structural problems. They are customized to fit your feet and provide you relief from specific foot conditions such as Plantar Fasciitis. The physiotherapist or foot specialist assesses your feet and customizes the inserts accordingly. 


Biomechanical or structural abnormalities in feet disrupt the overall functioning of your body. Conditions such as high arches, flat feet, bunions, or arthritis not only make using your feet difficult but also cause immense pain with time. Orthotics provide your feet with the support they need to function optimally. But, which one treats which conditions? Let’s find out. 

Over-the-counter orthotics provide quick relief to pain and mild discomfort in the feet. Let’s say you have a subtle pain in the arches after hiking. You can get relief with the OTC orthotics. 

Custom orthotics are designed to correct actual biomechanical foot problems. They provide long-term relief from a wide variety of foot deformities. The orthotics reduce pain, improve your foot function, and reduce stress from the affected areas. 

Recovery time  

If you are suffering from foot problems, chances are your entire lifestyle has come to a halt. You must be looking for quick relief so that you can return to your normal daily activities as quickly as possible. OTC orthotics are most effective when it comes to quick pain relief. The recovery time is the shortest in this case. But, the pain relief might be temporary if the underlying cause is a severe one. 

Custom orthotics are highly effective for a wide array of foot conditions but take time to show results. Your foot specialist will instruct you on how many hours to wear the devices and when to expect your condition to improve. In this case, however, you may need some time to adjust to the custom orthotics. They tend to shape your feet in a way that brings you relief and long-term recovery. 


You should also consider prices when choosing foot orthotics. There is a significant difference in prices between the two types of orthotics. 

OTC orthotics are made up of gel or foam. They are instantly available and hence are quite cheap. 

Custom orthotics are pricier. That’s because the foot specialist prescribes it after a thorough assessment of your feet. They take a mold of your affected foot and analyze it along with the three arches. These help them provide your foot with the exact support and cushioning it needs. 

Which is the Right Orthotic for You?

You can go for the over-the-counter orthotic if you need instant relief from foot pain. It is recommended for the general public who needs the basic support for their feet to function optimally. OTC orthotics are also instantly available at markets without the need for prescriptions. 

Custom orthotics are not instantly available. The physical therapist assesses your foot and customizes the orthotics based on what it needs for complete recovery. Though a tad pricier, custom orthotics help treat a wide array of foot-related conditions. 

If you are in Brampton and in need of custom orthotics, have a word with us. We can help you find the solution you have been looking for.