How Effective is Physiotherapy for Neck Pain?

physiotherapy clinic in Brampton for neck pain

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Neck pain and stiffness is a common problem among people of various ages. A teenager may complain of pain due to excessive screen time. An adult, however, may suffer from neck pain due to incorrect sleeping position. No matter what your age or the cause of the pain is, it is possible to manage the pain without surgery or pain meds. Physiotherapy/physical therapy is one of the most effective treatments for discomfort, pain, and stiffness in the neck. The treatments and their duration may vary from person to person. So, let’s see if you should get physiotherapy for neck pain. 

When to Get Physiotherapy for Neck Pain?

Physiotherapy is a non-invasive approach to treating musculoskeletal conditions like neck pain. It is most effective when you get the treatment during the initial stages of pain. It is recommended to opt for physical activity in the following scenarios. 

Chronic pain- You should see a physiotherapist if the neck pain keeps recurring or lingering. The professional detects the exact source of the pain and recommends specific exercises to increase the strength of the neck’s muscles. 

Injuries- Neck pain can occur due to injuries that damage the soft tissues and joints supporting the neck. Whiplash, for instance, can damage the neck muscles which leads to pain and stiffness. Physiotherapy exercises not only reduce pain but also restore the normal functioning of your neck. 

Surgery- Neck surgeries can cause a great deal of pain and discomfort. Healing after surgery is a lengthy process. But, physiotherapy can help you heal faster and restore a normal lifestyle. 

In simpler words, you should get physiotherapy no matter whether the pain is mild, moderate, or severe. The physiotherapist examines your injuries and symptoms before recommending a proper treatment plan. They may not recommend the treatment at all depending on certain situations. 

When Not To Get Physical Therapy for Neck Problems?

Yes, physical therapy is not for everyone. So, it is better to avoid physiotherapy in some specific cases of neck problems. Let’s check them out. 

Underlying medical issue- Physiotherapy is not recommended if the neck pain is caused due to some serious underlying medical issue such as an infection. 

Spinal instability- Physiotherapy is not recommended if your cervical spine is not stable enough due to any reason. In this case, a medical practitioner first stabilizes the spine and then may recommend physiotherapy. 

What are the Different Types of Physical Therapy?

Physiotherapy doesn’t follow a one-size-fits-all approach. That means each patient receives an individualistic treatment plan solely based on their specific health needs and concerns. Here are the two main types of physiotherapy to manage neck pain. 

Active therapy- The physiotherapist guides the patient to move their body through stretches and exercises. The focus here is to strengthen and improve the flexibility of neck muscles.  

Passive therapy- The goal here is to reduce swelling and pain. The treatment methods involved are massage therapy, heat and cold application, ultrasound, and more. 

In most physiotherapy clinics in Brampton, you will find both treatments available for neck pain. Physiotherapy First, for instance, is one of the best physiotherapy clinics in Brampton that provides a wide range of treatments for neck pain.

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