The Top 8 Causes for Lower Back Pain & Discomfort


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Lower back pain is one of the most common types of painful conditions that people experience. Oftentimes, it requires a visit to a physiotherapist in Brampton when you don’t want to mask the symptoms with prescription painkillers while hoping your back will heal on its own.

Rather a physiotherapist helps treat the underlying causes of the pain and discomfort to help reduce the likelihood of future problems with lower back pain using natural and holistic methods.

The causes of lower back pain vary and can include one or more of the following:

#1: Workplace Accidents – Lower back pain is the top injury experienced in the workplace. Lower back injuries often occur from lifting something incorrectly without assistance.

#2: Auto Accidents – The impacts of car crashes cause injury to the lower back. The only protection from impacts is the seat’s cushions, which are not always sufficient for absorbing vibrations caused by impacts.

#3: Disc Injuries – Disc injuries can occur when the lower back is not being exercised regularly. The muscles are not strong enough to stop discs from slipping, becoming herniated, or tearing. The risks of disk injuries also increase as we get older and from chronic conditions, like osteoarthritis.

#4 Muscle Strains and Sprains – It is possible to strain and sprain the muscles in the lower back. This can occur when the excess weight causes the muscles to be stretched and strained. For example, if you are lifting weights and attempt to lift more than you should, you could experience lower back pain from muscle strains and sprains.

#5: Pinched Nerves – The nerves in the lower back can become pinched between soft tissues, ligaments, muscles, and the spinal column. When a nerve is pinched, it is not able to send and receive signals correctly. As a result, you can experience pain that radiates outward in the lower back. Quite often, the area where you feel the pain is not in the same location as the pinched nerve.

#6: Muscle Spasms – When muscles are overworked and not allowed to rest and recover, spasms can occur. Spasms are where the entire muscle tightens up. When it does, it causes pain and discomfort. Once the muscle relaxes, the pain should subside but may not fully go away.

#7: Pregnancy – During pregnancy as the fetus grows and develops into an infant, the weight from the baby places strain on the lower back. Many expectant mothers experience lower back pain that can be rather uncomfortable.

#8 Chronic Conditions – There are several different types of chronic conditions that can cause lower back pain such as fibromyalgia, spondylosis, spondylitis, endometriosis, scoliosis, and so on. While the chronic condition may not be able to be resolved, relief from lower back pain is possible.

Why Visit a Physiotherapist for Lower Back Pain?

Some of the primary benefits of seeing a physiotherapist for lower back pain are the type of treatments offered are non-invasive, drug-free, and focus alleviates pain in the short term while helping to strengthen the lower back to prevent reinjury in the future. To schedule an initial consultation for lower back pain or pain in other parts of the body, please feel free to contact Physiotherapy First at 905-796-6662 today!